Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Ambush/Life or Death"

Left behind in the unknowing

Beauty on the tip of my fingers

Its velvety texture slipping off my appendages

I take in my surroundings

I breathe out

But aches begin to dance around my chest

A pressing down on my head

I clench my jaw firmly

My mouth moves into a tight line

I hum


The need to detract my attention

Somewhere, anywhere

I breathe in

I quickly breath out

I shake my head and look to the side...

A decision is to be made


Read: Deuteronomy 30:19

Till next time....  
Currently playing:[Latria- I Love You Lord]

Friday, November 3, 2017

"Always Mine"

This piece basically sums ups one of the many moments I've had with God in the past... it's freeform in structure...as will most of my pieces will be. Please enjoy.


I remember when You first impressed these words within me 

You pressed it within and stamped it upon my very own lips 

Your words left lingering my innermost being

Your very own words suddenly left my mouth 

I laughed

"I think You've always known You've had me..."

"I think You've always known I was Yours..."

You laughed 

I pursed my lips

A sliver of confusion reached my features

But quickly disappeared


There it was again

You won 

Proved Yourself

The whisper of Your soothing voice reached my ears once again

"I don't think you know the depth to which I know you...” 

No words left my mouth 

I paused

The skin upon my face grew warm

You tilted my face upward

My eyes still downcast

I bit down firm on my lips and breathed

A sigh of relief

You won

Just like that 

You won me over again


Till next time... 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Reintroduction

I firstly want to say hello to the lovely person reading this. I'm so honored that you took your time to come visit my page. Foremost, I want to apologize to my old subscribers, I know it's been years, and you're probably fairly confused. My old blog "pinkivorys" has been completely revamped and renewed. After years of being inactive, I decided to come back, but on a completely different platform. This blog will focus on my journey with the Lord and past and future experiences with Him. I hope you do enjoy. I am so excited to continue blogging again. God has laid this on my heart for many, many months and I actually shake with excitement as I write these very words. I'm glad I finally obeyed. There's so much within me that at times I feel like I might burst. My love for God is too much to contain within me anymore. To prevent an implosion, I've decided to release it. You all are in for something most definitely. If you refer to my tabs above a lot of them have no posts as of yet, so I'd like to break the meanings of them down before they begin to fill.

 Love Letters- Poetry to/about God
 Beauté- Biblical Reflections
 Cœur- Spirit-inspired Illustrations
Log- Video Diaries
 Small Group- Updates of my small group "Beloved Heirs"
Words cannot explain how excited I am for the launch of this masterpiece. I've committed this entire outlet into my Lord's hands and I can't see what to see what's to come. As soon as I publish this post I'm on my way to buy an electronic art tablet. Do stay tuned. Till next time Beloved.
Red Bow Tie